The paramount concern for any piece of laundry equipment is safety. Whether a laundromat is attended or not, taking steps to promote safety should be among the laundry owner’s top priority. However, when you have laundry carts and people pushing them about the premises, there are always risks involved — many of which fall squarely on the owner’s shoulders. 

Responsible manufacturers of laundry equipment provide clear assembly instructions, product warning labels and product signage, as well as wall-mounted signage that helps instruct customers about the safe usage of laundry carts. Responsible owners can also play a part in promoting the safe and proper use of laundry carts.

Safety Tips

Here are some keys to laundry cart safety:

  1. Do not permit carts to remain outdoors. If carts are used to transport laundry loads from your store to a customer’s vehicle, be sure the carts are promptly returned to your facility.
  2. On a monthly basis, check all bolts and nuts for proper tightness. Typically, there are four attachment points for the basket, six for the uprights and crossbar, and two attaching each caster to the legs.
  3. Make certain the end caps are in place at the top of the garment racks. Extra or replacement end caps are available from your manufacturer, if replacement is necessary.
  4. Always assure that the warning sticker is securely affixed to the base of the cart so that customers don’t jeopardize themselves or others through improper use of your carts. Extra or replacement stickers are available from your manufacturer.
  5. Rack extenders are available to help assure that your carts are not used improperly off premises, as well as to help avoid theft. Signs are available for display on these extenders, with important warning information for increased safety.

Of course, successful laundry owners maintain, repair, upgrade and replace their laundry carts regularly. Not only do top-quality, well-maintained carts safeguard your business from accidents and potential lawsuits, but they also enhance your customers’ experience in your store – and that’s good for your bottom line.

Do you have other tips to share to promote safety within your laundromat?

These tips are intended as guidelines to help you stay safe. Make sure you also protect your business and its assets with the appropriate property and liability insurance. Click the link below to begin an application.